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I think “pray without ceasing” also means to pray for not only what you care about, but also about what gives you care. The apostle writes:

1 Pet 5:6-7

6 Humble yourselves therefore under the mighty hand of God, that he may exalt you in due time:

7 Casting all your care upon him; for he careth for you.


If we walk around all day with the mental habit of mental privacy from God, then chances we are going to be driven crazy by all the things there are to worry about during the day. Peter says there is no need for that. And Paul told us why. We do not HAVE to keep ourselves mentally private from God all day. At anytime of the day or night, we can take anything that worries us and give it to God, and forget about it until such time as God gives us the means of dealing with it. “Sweet dreams are made of these.” Especially if God is your pilot. [ Job description update from heaven: God is not interested in being your co-pilot.]

As a practicality, I’ll mention one prayer that is in one of my “rounds.” I beg God that I not fall victim to identity theft. What is the objective likelyhood of this happening to me as one individual amongst millions? Very very low. What is the objective likelyhood of my worrying about this all day? Extremely high. So it goes into one of my rounds, and when I come to it again, I thank God for answered prayer, note that it has continued to be answered since the last time I prayed, then pray it again and move on. I have bigger fish to fry. And God doesn’t mind frying a lot of my minnows.

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