... Begins With The First Step

So, if you are a zippiddity-do-dah modern person with the patience of a five year old and attention span of a gnat, how do you get a heart for scaling an epic like the Bible? Simple. You pray for the heart to do it! Here’s what’s in my Daily. It is based on 2 Tim. 2:15 (“Study to shew thyself approved unto God, a workman that needeth not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth.”) and has gone through a number of morphs since I first wrote it down:

“Give me a strong and potent desire to read Thy word, O God. Cause me to properly digest and consolidate the insights you give me into an outline of sound doctrine. Aid me against the opposition to this. Cause me to cut a straight line and be a good workman. Allow that I may communicate what I learn to others, but without pride, hypocracy, or fakery. Let Thy word be the savor of all things to me. And give me a strong and potent desire to pray.“

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